Monthly update

We have made some enhancements!

IAM - Pronouns - Full Text & Code to Directory Services Payload: Pronouns information will be added to rest service payload. In coming months, if indicated in their Identity profile, non-student pronouns will be displayed in Campus Directory. Student pronouns are already displayed in Campus Directory. 

Self-Service - My Profile - ‘About’ link: The ‘About’ link located in the footer is no longer broken. 

About link example

IAM - Reactivating netids: Returning UCSB students and others will no longer be prompted to create a new netid. Now they will be informed that their original netid still exists. 

If they don’t currently have a netid, nothing changes with this fix. They will see this screen:

Reactivating netids example

After the fix is deployed, they will see this screen:

Reactivating netids example

Self-Service - My Profile - Building Your Signature: When selecting your pronoun in Self-Service - My Profile signature builder, the ‘Pronouns’ field is no longer free text. It is a drop-down list. 

Pronouns drop-down menu

If you require technical assistance, please contact Rebecca Carroll.

For problems or time sensitive requests, contact the Service Desk for IT Core Services: (805) 893-5000 or X5000.

For all other services or more information about this release, please submit a self-service request.