We have made some enhancements!
IAM Rest Services - Pronouns - API Documentation to Rest Service Payload: Documentation for employee pronouns for campus directory was added to the rest services payload. This documentation can be found in API Methods - Directory - findEmployees https://im.ucsb.edu/apiDocs.html.
Delegated Department Editors (DDEs) - Bulk Upload - Error Message Corrected: The error message for an invalid Affiliate type was corrected. When validating bulk uploads, if an Affiliate type is invalid, DDEs will now see the correct error message. The error message will correctly refer to the Affiliation type not the Affiliation End Date column.
IT Documentation: In an ongoing effort to increase efficiency, the SEAL team is working to document key business artifacts in the Identity space. This documentation includes details on how to deploy the artifacts in the test, development and production environments. This written record helps campus technicians develop more efficiently without reinventing the wheel. Once the documentation is stable, it is uploaded to a wiki instance where it can be searched easily. Not only does thorough IT Documentation reduce errors and waste, it improves consistency and security. With this Sprint, the SEAL team pushed the documentation effort further with the completion of various step-by-step guides for specific applications.
Java Platform - Application Framework Upgrade: SEAL is in the process of upgrading Identity’s technology foundation. This multi-sprint effort requires behind the scenes engineering to bring the system up-to-date including improving and fixing code. When the upgrade goes live at the end of Sprint 2021-07, in addition to offering new features, the new version will help the campus reduce its technical debt.
If you require technical assistance, please contact Rebecca Carroll.
For problems or time sensitive requests, contact the Service Desk for IT Core Services: (805) 893-5000 or X5000.
For all other services or more information about this release, please submit a self-service request.